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Shiitake 8-in-1 Healthy Mushroom Coffee (10 Sachets)

Shiitake 8-in-1 Healthy Mushroom Coffee (10 Sachets) - Power Up Your Day Naturally


Looking for a coffee alternative that supports your well-being? Shiitake 8-in-1 Healthy Mushroom Coffee offers a delicious and energizing blend formulated with nature's powerhouses - mushrooms!


This box contains 10 individual sachets, each packed with a unique blend of ingredients:

  • Rich Coffee Base: Enjoy a satisfying coffee taste without the jitters often associated with traditional coffee.
  • Functional Mushrooms: Includes Shiitake, Maitake, Reishi, Agaricus mushrooms known for their potential health benefits.
  • Barley Grass: Provides a boost of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.
  • Non-Dairy Creamer and Stevia: Creates a creamy and delicious coffee experience without the added sugar.


Shiitake 8-in-1 Healthy Mushroom Coffee may offer a range of potential benefits:

  • Natural Energy Boost: Supports sustained energy levels without the crash often associated with coffee.
  • Stress and Anxiety Support: Adaptogenic mushrooms like Reishi may help manage occasional stress and anxiety.
  • Immune System Support: Certain mushrooms boast properties that may contribute to a healthy immune system.
  • Focus and Clarity: Some functional mushrooms are linked to improved cognitive function and focus.


Convenient and Easy to Use: Simply empty a sachet into hot water and stir for a delicious and potentially health-supportive coffee drink.


Shiitake 8-in-1 Healthy Mushroom Coffee (10 Sachets) is ideal for those who:

  • Want to explore a coffee alternative with potential health benefits.
  • Seek a natural source of energy and focus support.
  • Appreciate convenient and delicious ways to incorporate functional mushrooms into their routine.
  • Are lactose intolerant and prefer non-dairy options.


Please note: It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before consuming any new product, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take medications.

Shiitake 8-in-1 Healthy Mushroom Coffee (10 Sachets)


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    Salveo Barley Grass is not a medicine. It is a natural and a whole food supplement that provides vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and other essential nutrients to the body. Any information here is not intended to diagnose any illness and is for educational purposes only. Expected results may vary depending on age, diet, body type, condition, habits & overall lifestyle of the user.

    Testimonials here are genuine and voluntarily given by the users. These are personal experiences as a result of their use of the product and should not be taken as a medical advice nor be treated as a scientific evidence. If symptoms persist, consult your physician.

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